Reading · Writing

I am intimidated by huge blocks of text.

Whenever I go book shopping, I like to flip through the pages for a bit, see if I like the writing style, read an excerpt here and there, check the size of the font (this is highly important!) aaaand check if the author has a tendency to write huge blocks of text.

I have quite a short attention span. Whether it’s work or writing or chores, I can’t focus too long on one thing. Books need to be gripping or else I’m lost. I recently picked up Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell based upon a recommendation and the trailer of the upcoming movie. In retrospect, I suppose it’s my fault that I did not look inside this particular book when I spotted it on the shelf, but I’d been looking for it for so long and I was so excited when I found it that I didn’t bother.

So today I decided to take a look, and I see this: Continue reading “I am intimidated by huge blocks of text.”