General · Inanity

I’ve been getting kinda forgetful.

I noticed that I’ve been forgetting things lately. For example, two weeks ago I was making a purchase at a store and for some reason I was required to enter my card’s pin code. “Sure, no problem,”  I said before blanking altogether. I had forgotten my pin code. The pin code I so confidently punch in every time I use the ATM had been completely erased from my memory and, try as I might, I could not remember it. Thankfully, the store manager was very nice and told me to just come back and pay tomorrow, and fortunately for me, I had the pin code written somewhere at home.

And if you think that’s bad, what would you say if I told you that only recently I went a whole week without remembering to eat chocolate? I tell you, I felt ashamed of myself.

I’ve also been forgetting to properly thank the lovely people who nominated me for three awards over the past two weeks! So… thank you for Patricia for the One Lovely Blog Award, Authorashley for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, and Nicole for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

The rules of these awards, as usual, involve nominating seven other bloggers and telling everyone seven things about myself. But I’m going to break the rules and go for shorter lists because I’m tired (as usual) with a bad headache that painkillers could not fix. Oh the outcomes of little sleep!

To begin with, here are some facts about me. I don’t remember if I’ve told you any of them before, but either way:

  1. I’m not very fond of the great outdoors. I can appreciate nature for what it is, but I really do not like to commune a lot with it.
  2. I sometimes forget to buy a particular type of chocolate for a period of time, then go on rampage when I rediscover it again.
  3. I would love to exchange handwritten letters with people from around the world, but unfortunately that can’t be done due to the fact that the postal system in my country sucks.
  4. I can only bring myself to eat the breast part of a chicken.
  5. I don’t know how to ride a bicycle.

Now onto the nominations!

That should be all. I hope you all have a good day! =D

30 thoughts on “I’ve been getting kinda forgetful.

  1. Forgetting a PIN code is embarassing, though I NEVER have that stuff written anywhere. But not eating chocolate is worrysome. You should get to the doctor immediately.

    1. It’s pretty embarrassing! And I keep it recorded because I really don’t trust my memory! And no worries – I rectified the situation immediately and bought a lot of chocolate! I’m good for now. =D

  2. Congratulations on your awards, Zen. And thank you for the nomination; I’m humbled. Once again, I enjoyed your post. Now I want to teach you to ride a bicycle, and I’m in agreement on nature. My idea of camping is to stay at the lodge in the state park. 😉 Glad you were able to get your chocolate, and hope you’re feeling better and can catch up on sleep soon.

    1. Thank you, and you deserve it! I think you’d probably quit bicycles for good before you teach me anything; I’m extremely unbalanced and clumsy! I’m feeling much better now, thank you. =D

  3. A few years ago, my bank, for security reasons, reset everyone’s pin codes. Took me three months to get used to entering the new one. By habit I would enter the old one first when paying for something only to be told by cashiers that my transaction wouldn’t go through.

      1. It did! I have it memorized now, but when they switched it, of course I didn’t have a choice in what the PIN should be. And I didn’t feel like going to the bank to change it to something else.

        1. That would’ve been a hassle; I think you would’ve needed to take care a lot of paperwork just to do that!

  4. Congratulations on the awards!
    Sleep deprivation isn’t kind to me either, don’t feel bad. Us zombies will survive. 😉
    Out of curiosity (not creepy stalkerishness lol), what country do you live in?

    1. Thank you! I hope so – I look forward to weekends when I can sleep in!
      And I live in Lebanon; I swear, mailing systems around the world hate us here!

      1. You and me both. Sleeping in is foreign to me lol!
        That’s crazy – how come the mail doesn’t make it to you?

        1. No idea really! I get packages all right (as long as they’re registered), but letters and cards simply disappear!

  5. I almost forgot to leave a comment for you. *grins*

    I’m horrible! Horrible!! I could be standing in the dining room, think oh hey I need this in the living room, walk into the living room and have no clue what I’m doing in there.

  6. Congratulations! Last summer, when my parents went on holiday, I forgot my pin. Very frustrating – luckily, the bank let me take out just enough to last until I got a letter with a new pin. Someone suggested putting a number in my mobile under an unique name with the pin in the middle of the number. It was odd, because I have never forgotten my pin, even when it’s just been changed, and I had used that one so many times. Sometimes, my mind just blanks on certain words – that gets annoying.

    1. Thank you! =D And you know, that’s a useful suggestion. I’m going to have to try it. I wonder why that happens though; you’d think we’d be able to remember things as basic as that!

Talk to me! I won't bite. Unless you're made of chocolate, then I promise nothing.